We have recently made a few exciting additions to Pulse in all of the European markets. These new additions will be great resources as you continue to build your international business.
Images Looking for an image to use for a PowerPoint, business card, or brochure?
The Images section under Resources has been updated to include product images, logos, and photos that are most commonly requested and used by Team Members.
At Synergy WorldWide, we’re just as committed to having a great time as we are to anything else. That’s why we want you to take part in our entertainment program during Synergy’s Summit in Copenhagen.
We already know that we have the best Team Members in the world, it’s now time to discover what we may not know, your talents. We invite all attendees who are willing to share their talents to try out for Synergy’s Got Talent!
That’s right, whether your talent is singing, dancing, juggling, magic tricks, or whatever, we want you to share your talents with us for the chance to perform during the Summit and be judged by Synergy’s executive team and Presidential members.
Within the past few months, Synergy WorldWide has received multiple reports of Team Members selling Synergy products online. As clearly outlined in Synergy’s Policies and Procedures, Synergy does not allow products to be sold online through Amazon, eBay, or any other independently produced websites.
With the introduction of the Preferred Customer Program in Europe, Team Members and customers can order directly from Synergy WorldWide by using the corporate website, faxing the customer order form, and calling Customer Service.
Ordering directly from Synergy WorldWide allows customers to buy Synergy products at wholesale, the exact same price as Team Members. And with the opportunity to earn 25 percent in Elite Rebate, the need for product markup is eliminated. The Preferred Customer Program enables Team Members to focus on building their downlines instead of having to deal with the logistics of reselling the product and maintaining customer service as these services are taken care of by Synergy.
Synergy is in the process of creating replicated websites for all markets in Europe. Until these websites become available, Team Members are allowed to create their own websites as long as they are approved by Synergy Compliance and no products are sold. Attached are FAQs to help clarify common concerns.
If you need further clarification, please direct all questions and concerns to Customer Service. Your compliance is appreciated.
Synergy’s Central Europe Team Manager Academy took place Friday, June 1 – Sunday, June 3 where all Team Managers and above in the area were invited to attend.
Held at the luxurious Ineralpen Hotel Tyrol in Austria, and nestled in the Austrian Alps, Team Manager Academy provided qualified Team Members a unique opportunity to participate in detailed leadership training.
As preparations continue for the opening of Synergy Poland, you and your guests are invited to attend a pre-launch development meeting in Warsaw, Poland on Friday, June 22.
Featuring special guests Stewart Rutter, Vice President; William Martin, Presidential Executive; and Synergy's newest Emerald Executive, Hakan Cetin, this meeting will be beneficial as we share the vision of Synergy WorldWide in this exciting market.
This meeting is open to everyone and free to attend. We look forward to seeing you there.
Warsaw, Poland
Friday, June 22
Venue: Warsaw Marriott Hotel
Al. Jerozolimskie 65/79, Warsaw, 00-697 Poland
Time: 19.00
Listed below are the names of everyone in Europe who rank advanced in May! Congratulations to our hardworking Team Members who continue to dedicate tremendous time and effort to their Synergy business.
Synergy’s new Europe Summer Promotion will put more money in your pockets while helping you build a strong, stable Synergy business. Lasting from June-August, 2012, this promotion is now available in every European Synergy market.
Any new European Team Member who earns the rank of Bronze for the first time during the promotion period, while participating on Autoship that month, will receive a non-refundable ticket to the September European Summit (189 Euro value) held September 6 – 8 in Copenhagen, Denmark.
Note: If you have already registered for the Summit and qualify for a free admission, your awarded ticket can be used to bring a guest to the event.
Any European Team Member who earns the ranks of Silver, Gold, or Team Leader for the first time during the promotion period and maintains that rank or higher the following month will receive the corresponding bonuses as noted in the table below, if they participate in Autoship during both qualification months and attend the European Summit.
Synergy’s compensation plan hinges on teamwork and cooperation. The Personal Sponsor of the Team Member who earns a Cash Bonus, will be awarded a Sponsor Bonus if they participate in Autoship during both qualification months, and attend the European Summit.
Note: The Cash and Sponsor bonuses can pay out cumilitively and will be paid after the summit.