Achieving the Team Leader rank or higher THIS MONTH (November) would be a spectacular achievement indeed, because we want you with us in Crete!


Synergy WorldWide is pleased to announce that next year’s highly-anticipated Leadership Retreat will be held at the Kalimera Kriti Resort in Greece! Perfectly situated on the coast of Crete, you’ll be able to bask in the magical sunsets and white, sandy beaches, while enjoying the luxury of a 5-star resort. Only minutes away from the ancient palace of Malia and the picturesque fishing villages of Sissi, relish in the remarkable history and unbeatable scenery of Greece. Don’t miss out on this trip of a lifetime!

When: June 4-9, 2019
Where: Kalimera Kriti Resort in Sissi, Crete, Greece
Who: Qualifying Team Member. See the updated qualification details below for information on how to qualify a guest as well!
Qualification Period: March 2018–February 2019.
How to Qualify:

First-time qualifiers include new Team Leaders and Team Managers. All first-time qualifiers must also be Elite Honors qualified 3 or more times within the qualification period.

New Team Leader
• Qualify as an individual: Achieve the Team Leader title for the first time and maintain this title for 3 additional months
• Qualify to bring a guest: Achieve the Team Leader title for the first time and maintain this title for 5 additional months

New Team Manager
• Qualify as an individual: Achieve the Team Manager title for the first time and maintain this title for 1 additional month
• Qualify to bring a guest: Achieve the Team Manager title for the first time and maintain this title for 2 additional months
Repeat qualifiers include Team Directors and above. All repeat qualifiers must also be Elite Honors qualified 3 or more times within the qualification period. A repeat qualifier must:

• Be paid as a Team Director for 3 months during the qualification period
• Personally sponsor 1 first-time qualifier

Existing Team Leaders and above
• Team Leaders must fulfill Team Manager qualifications
• Team Managers must rank advance to Team Director
• Team Directors and above must fulfill the “Repeat Qualification” criteria

UPDATE: For the purposes of qualifying for the 2019 Leadership Retreat qualification, Synergy will consider your rank based on the highest monthly weak leg volume accumulated in 2017.

For example:
• If you achieved Team Manager in 2017 using what was then known as “Title Volume” (a combination of TC1 volume, weak leg volume, and Elite Rebate CV)…
• …but in your best month you only had 5000 CV in weak leg volume…
you will be starting your journey to qualify for Leadership Retreat as a Gold level Team Member. Increase your weak leg volume to 6,000 and maintain it for 3 months to earn your spot in Crete!

This is great news, not only for those who rank advanced in 2017, but also for those who may have achieved high ranks long ago, but have experience a decline in their weak leg volume.

For example:
• If you once achieved Team Elite years ago…
• …but your best month of 2017 was only enough weak leg CV to qualify you for Gold…
• …your Leadership Retreat qualification starts by achieving and maintaining Team Leader. You can do it!

Come and delight in the enchanting scenery, engaging activities, invaluable trainings, elegant meals, and more.

Want to join us? You still have time to qualify!

For more information on the Success Track, CLICK HERE.



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