Spotlight: Mathilde Barbier Sets Out to Support 1 Million People Through Synergy

Mathilde Barbier, a Team Member working her Synergy business in the UK, recently went Silver as a result of all her hard work over the last few months. Mathilde was good enough to take time out of her busy schedule to answer a few questions.

How were you introduced to Synergy and what attracted you?

Two years ago my friend Anita called me with excitement telling me about her new business venture involving exceptional products and invited me to come to an event with her. I wasn't interested in the slightest, mainly because the idea of going to an event where people would probably not let me leave the building without signing up for some kind of deal or buying something was really not engaging.

However, my friend was persistent and got in touch again telling me that the products were based on Nobel Prize-winning science. She said if I didn't want to attend an event I should instead consider trying them myself with the 90 days, 100% money-back guarantee. I briefly researched this Nobel Prize science and ordered the book NO More Heart Disease by Louis Ignarro; it suddenly then felt right to sign up to get my activation pack. But I made it clear that there was no way I would look at the business opportunity as I thought it was one of those dreaded pyramid schemes.

As I started taking the V3 products, reading Dr. Ignarro's book, watching some testimonials and research from the High Desert Heart Institute, I really felt that I had been invited to join a really special organisation.
I exercise regularly with BMF (British Military Fitness) which are "boot camp" classes that run outdoors all year long. When I took the V3 products in conjunction with my workouts, I realised my overall body performance improved.

So what attracted me first was definitely the products, the quality of the ingredients and research of the formulas, plus other people’s personal stories that I kept discovering. Being invited to be part of a team of enthusiastic, like-minded people, while still being self-employed, was also a real bonus! 

Which product is your favourite and why?

I really love all three products and I feel that the V3 Nutritional System is just a perfect combination where the products complement each other with a truly synergistic effect. I once heard Team Member Mei-Mei Lilywhite give an analogy between the body and a car. A car needs three essential components to be able to function: water, oil and petrol. If one of them is missing then it either won't start or won’t run at its best. It is the same for our body; we need a good acid-alkaline balance, antioxidant protection and optimum blood circulation for our body to be healthy.

My favourite is probably the PhytoLife; if for some reason I can’t take it, I really miss it. I actually dilute it and carry it with me in a bottle, sipping it all day long. Even when travelling, especially flying, I make sure I take some in my hand luggage in a small plastic or glass bottle up to 100ml. 

What is a typical day for you when you are building your business?

I have learnt that building a business is very much about training your team and developing relationships with people, as well as inviting new people to look at the information.
So typically my day will consist of:
  • Inviting new people to look at Synergy
  • Training and follow-up presentations to my downline or asking a mentor to do so for my own guests
  • Keeping in touch with my team (at different intervals depending on their needs); I keep in touch with some daily, others a few times a week, and the absolute minimum is once a week. Celebrating success with them is crucial!
  • Speaking to my upline regularly
  • Keeping up-to-date with my business numbers in Pulse and the latest Synergy news through the blog
  • Answering questions or sharing with people where they can find the answer themselves

What would you say has been the biggest factor in your success so far?

My success is really modest at this stage but I owe it to teamwork and not giving up!
The biggest factor that has allowed me to get where I am has been the constant connection with my active upline, Kim Bradley. A few months after I joined Synergy at a time when my sponsor wasn't available, Kim responded to my search for some guidance. She took me under her wing, nurtured me, showed me the way, taught me how to use my wings and gave me the caring push out of the nest; and I still don't fly too far from her!Attending all events has also been key as it is an opportunity to learn from other leaders, meet new people and get even more inspired!

Who has helped you to build your business?

Kim Bradley is a good friend, a wealth of patience, very attentive, unconditional, always available, professional and is always there to give advice or just listen, with a great sense of humour. She is constantly seeing the opportunity in the challenge and has inspired me to do the same and to be part of the solution rather than any problem. I also got a lot of valuable training and support for my team and myself from Keith Robinson and the Irish team. Thank you so much guys!

What activities do you engage in to help your team and organisation?

Attending regular events, organising team training sessions with more experienced leaders and keeping in touch with them regularly. With Kim’s help, as a team we look at the best way to share information and identify needs and gaps in the training, constantly improving and adapting to make the duplication as simple as possible. In our Heart2Heart Team we have set up a private Facebook page and a Skype group where we share information, questions, challenges and celebrate success.
What goals are you working toward at the moment?

My overarching goal is to support one million people to "own their life" at 3 levels: physical, emotional and financial. I truly believe this can be achieved with Synergy, through teamwork and duplication.
My stepping stone goal is to support my active team members to achieve their next goals.
For some it is to have their autoship covered, for others it is supporting them to achieve the 2x2 business builder bonus, for others it is helping them achieve Star as soon as possible.

If you were to give one piece of advice to a new Synergy Team Member, what would you tell them?

Don’t be afraid to ask for support! It took me a while to really understand there was a huge network of support out there and that people who join Synergy are very motivated to "serve others." They are truly willing to help all members of their upline, downline, side line and cross line. You do not have to do it on your own. The true essence of Synergy is teamwork. And … never give up! This is really simple and may sound cliché, but I have heard it many times from successful people and it is on display in my home!



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