On track with #MySmartMealJourney?

Are you loving SmartMeal as much as we are?! It has been inspirational and so much fun seeing and hearing feedback from everyone. We have LOVED being on this journey together and seeing everyone’s participation on social media with the campaign hashtag #mysmartmealjourney. 

Between yummy recipes, funny workout challenges and success-stories we have found great inspiration. We are proud of each and everyone in the Synergy community sharing and supporting each other. 

Remember that this is only the beginning, and we want to see everyone continue with their wellness journey. Remember to keep tagging (@synergyworldwide.eu) and use the hashtag #MySmartMealJourney. 

Nothing is better than becoming a better version of oneself, sharing, and encouraging a healthy lifestyle. Who are you passing SmartMeal jar to next? Join the movement with people from all over Europe focusing on their nutrition and health one smart shake at a time. 

How to redeem your reward for a job well done?  

When you have completed your 4-week or 8-week #MySmartMealJourney before the 19th of September, here is what you do: 

    1. Submit your participation and show us your journey by emailing it to synergyeurope@synergyworldwide.com. We can’t wait to see and hear from you! 
    2. Once submitted and approved, you will be able to redeem your extra SmartMeal for free in an order with Customer Service. You will also be added to the list for the SmartMeal Wellness Raffle taking place after the 19th of September. 

            a. Anyone who qualified and completed a 4-week journey (as per criteria) will be able to get ONE extra SmartMeal for FREE when placing an order of 4 SmartMeal or more with Customer Service.  

            b. Anyone who qualified and completed a 8-week journey (as per criteria) will be able to get TWO extra SmartMeal for FREE when placing an order of 8 SmartMeal or more with Customer Service.   

For any doubts or questions contact customer service.  
Don’t forget to redeem your free SmartMeal earned before the 31st of October.  



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